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Balcony Bird Netting Services in Pune

Balcony Bird Netting Services

While birds fluttering and chirping outside the window is pleasant to the senses, when they perch on the windows and crevices on the buildings, the acidic bird droppings and the nests they build are not only disturbing, but also unhygienic. The woes are more complex when the birds end up inside your bedrooms, balcony and kitchen. Nowadays, problems caused by pigeons and other birds are major irritants to residents of almost all major housing and office complexes. This is not just an irritant but also a health hazard. Birds get easy access to get good nesting areas on the windows, pipes, parapets, inside the duct and behind AC units. Many pigeons die in the ducts causing large presence of maggots & other insects in the affected area. They often make nests and rapidly reproduce causing major health risks. Three human diseases are known to be associated with pigeon droppings: histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis. Balcony bird netting are to design for protecting human from high rise buildings. Balcony Bird netting in pune fullfill Everyones dream of staying in high rise buildings and at the same time safety is also matters for this situation. Our entire gamut is made by using high quality base materials. Balcony bird netting services in pune, often confront many problems with birds like pigeons in our places like in our houses, apartments, factories, hotels, hospitals etc. Balcony safety nets is a net to protect people from injury after falling from heights by limiting the distance they fall and deflecting to dissipate the impact energy balcony are intended to give safety and well being at home, protecting children, adults, pets and objects that may fall from height, closing terraces, balconies, windows, doors, stairs, pools etc.